
140 Days til 21

     140 days until my 21st birthday means to me that I have 140 days to get it right! Since my 20th birthday I've been declaring that I would like to be a size 10/12 by my 21st, but have not been taking any successful strides towards that goal, (so slack). I've never been the type to want to be skinny, or never would I be; hips & boobs run all through my family! I just want to be a healthier me. In high school I threw shot-put and discus for the track & field team so I was always getting my cardio and weight-training in, but in my freshman year in college I gained ____lbs...I'm too shamed to even say lol.

     Yesterday I went to Charlotte to be with my little brother for his 16th birthday, and I met up with my bestfriend. She just had a baby 2 months ago and looks fab, and she says she wants to lose 20lbs! I'm like I have no baby so I have no excuse! So I'm embarking on the journey towards a lifestyle change. Right now I'm just exploring different avenues to help me achieve my goal, and deciding what kind of program I want to be on. I like the idea of Weight Watchers because of the support system, and I have yet to hear anything bad about the program. I'm at the point where I've tried alone and clearly it hasn't gotten me anywhere so I gotta have some sure fire motivation!! I asked the lovely Daisy of I'm Just Daisy her thoughts about Weight Watchers and I love her response:

" thanks for the love! The way I look at it is like this: I can blow 40 bucks a month on miscellaneous items on stuff like cosmetic products, shoes, and etc that won't really benefit my health in any way!
So the $40 spent on WW every month is so worth it when you are benefiting from it in a lifestyle change like weight watchers! And the great thing about it is once you get the tools you don't have to keep paying! You can keep up w/ it all on your own w.o paying every week or month!
Don't be afraid to indulge in something that will be worth it in the end girl! :)"

     So hopefully before June ends I will have found my weight loss niche, and be on my way to the golden goal! I'll be sure to keep you all posted as I progress, and hopefully we can motivate and inspire one another to achieve WHATEVER goals we have set!

1 comment:

  1. Hi new follower, just want to let you know that with WWatchers, u learn to live a healthier lifestyle. Its not like a temporary diet its a lifestyle change! plus with the meetings you can get a chance to be around people who can relate to your situation and plus a ton of motivation. I just recently returned back to WW after getting some weight loss success and leaving the program.

    Like Daisy said , whats 39.95 for your health???
    I think if you join WW you will definitely be satisfied with your results! good luck


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