
Day 1-Seven Things That Cross Your Mind a Lot

1.Work! I work freakishly long hours for a 20 year old. & I am one of those people who has always taken work stress home with me. I have got to break that!

2.Boys- I'm single so I have the right to be a tad bit boy crazy, lol. The opposite sex makes life so much more interesting.

3.School- I graduate college next year, but then there is the task of figuring out what grad school I'm  going to, and if I still want to go to law school (at this point I don't).

4.Life- I wonder if I'm living my life to the fullest. Some of my peers have done so much that I feel like I'm lacking in the living department.

5.My Future- After I've been completely released from my parents wings I want to know how my life will be...I just want to have a happy life.

6.Money- I spend a lot of it, so of course its on my mind! I have been trying to get my money management skills together, because there is nothing cute about being broke!

7.Friendship- I value every relationship I have with the people I call my friends. I just pray that nothing ever breaks these strong bonds we have!

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on the Law School thing everyday I'm conflicted with my decision to go or not go. It's so nerve wrecking :(

    Boys are...lots of lots of fun girl haha

    I spend a heap of money on junk all the time -le sigh- I need a budgeting 101 class ASAP! haha

    It means so much that you are doing the challenge, I loved all of your answers too :)



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